Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why I'm Voting on Row E

But more importantly than Matt Damon wearing a Yankees hat, I support the Working Families Party and their platform.

You can still vote for your candidates, just do it on Row E. Don't know much about the Working Families Party? Well, check out their website. This party pays particular attention to the issues that impact, yup, you guessed it, working families. But beyond that, the issues that they focus on, impact all of us: affordable housing, green jobs, education, healthcare, infrastructure, good jobs, a living wage, equal rights and so much more!!! The more voters who vote on this line, the more candidates will pay attention to these issues! Your vote will still go to your candidate of choice, so don't worry about that. One thing to note: with NY's new paper ballots, only vote for your candidate of choice on one party line. DO NOT vote for a candidate on both Row A (Democrat) and Row E (Working Families Party), if you do this, your vote will not count. Only fill in ONE row!

Don't forget to vote on Nov. 2, 2010. If you aren't sure if you are registered to vote, go here.

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