Friday, August 29, 2008

Splendid Recipes

Pittsburgh does it again -

You can watch an abridged hour long "trilogy" version of the last 3 episodes of "Splendid Recipes" on MNN (Manhattan Neighborhood Network) channels 56 and 57.

Anyone who wants to watch online can do so @ MNN.ORG

Here are the airdates:

Sunday Aug 31 @ 10:30 PM on MNN channel 56
Late Monday night but technically Tues.
morning Sept 2 @ 2:30 AM on MNN channel 57

and here are some stills and descriptions for those of you who don't know about these episodes yet

Includes: the original Splendid Recipes, in which a 14 year old blows coke through a McDonald's straw to Steely Dan - the worst noise supergroup ever to grace the screens of Pittsburgh - Violence Jack's final drunken plea to save the bus routes of Troy Hill - third world techno superstar MPEGASUS - animation by Hoagie Williams - North Side sock puppet disaster - found footage

Features: more DIY video games and animations by Hoagie Williams and Matt Rappa - the Un-Emcee freestyles for food - HOLIDAY IN PITTSBURGH! - remixed adolescent crime dramas - John Lithgow - The Underwater Culprit's public meltdown - and much more

Episode SCI-FIVE features:
VIKTM Behind the Music, prototype 80s karaoke, Sock Puppet Disaster II, Halo 3 Release (as witnessed by aliens), fucked up VHS discoveries, animation, swearing, and much more....

1 comment:

Spacegrass said...

Did it work? Did you watch it in NYC? We couldnt watch it online. BOOOOOO