Sunday, October 5, 2008

as i lay here, attempting sleep i am next to a white envelope contents: a twenty;
close by the contents of my pockets -
an empty bottle of bourbon,
another twenty,
a twenty minus the blue moon and new company.
keys and a lighter.
books surround my sleep, words that were meant to inspire thoughts, something worth saying.
instead i'm sleepless -
the ideas around changes are caught in the corners of grey matter.
is she still drinking?
will i know when she stops.
i walked home tonight and told myself not to look up as i passed -
im not that strong.
i looked up to a dark window.
headed to the park -
a stint on the swings -
only wishing to fly, higher.
i passed a bride -
a saturday night well spent.
the universe is a complicated thing, that is what they say.
an exploratory committee.
thoughts that may pass.
sleep that doesn't come, when body is exhausted but mind streams on.

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